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Free Website Hosting with No Forced Ads

The website hosting services listed here are 100% free and do not force you to post any kind of ads on your site and do not require you to post in forums.

Website Host Diskspace
URLs Scripting Reviews
Annual Host 150 MB
4 GB
1 top level domain, 2 sub-domains PHP 4 and 5, Perl, CGI, 1 MySQL database, phpMyAdmin, 1 FTP account, 2 email accounts Reviews
AwardSpace 200 MB
5 GB
Your domain, 1 add-on domain, 5 sub-domains PHP 4 and 5, Perl, CGI, 1 MySQL database, phpMyAdmin, FTP upload Reviews
HelioHost 250MB
Your Domain
CGI, PHP, ASP.NET, SSI, FrontPage Server Extensions, Perl, Python, Ruby, FTP and browser upload Reviews
NXServe 1,000MB
Your Domain
PHP 5, CGI, Perl, Fantastico, cPanel 11, 5 MySQL databases, 2 add-on domains, 2 sub-domains, FTP upload Reviews
FreeHostia 250 MB
6 GB
Your domain plus 4 add-on domains, 15 subdomain, 50 parked domains, Perl, Python, PHP 4 and 5, SSI, 1 MySQL database, FTP upload Reviews
Free-Space 200 MB
500 GB
Your domain, 1 sub-domain PHP, CGI, Perl, 1 MySQL database, FTP and browser upload Reviews
